23 July 2015

Get the neighbor kids, let’s play!


How did you spend your free time when you were a kid? What did you like doing most? My list would be much like the adults at the beginning of the video at the link below.

The close of the video shows one stark example of why camp is so important. Perhaps immersion in nature for a week can ignite a child’s love for the outdoors; creative, physical play; interaction with others.

Through CCCA’s “The Power of Camp” campaign, we have tried to shed light on how important it is for this generation to get outside, to experience God’s creation. This is a powerful, if not somewhat stunning, video. Let’s get more kids to camp where they can experience a great week of summer spent in nature. Maybe their experience will translate into a greater love for the outdoors when they return home.

Send a kid to camp at www.ThePowerofCamp.com.

One thought on “Get the neighbor kids, let’s play!

  1. I am a teacher, and I’ve also been serving in youth ministry as a camp counselor and director in the Oklahoma Disciples of Christ outdoor ministry program for fourteen years. The three generations video is very poignant and powerful. Providing opportunities for youth to be in creation is the antidote for just about anything…bullying, peer pressure, high stakes testing, etc.
    ( I just wish we could make it’s positive effects last longer.)
    Fortunately, my husband and I currently serve a church that values youth and outdoor programming. Our congregation is a good steward supporting not only the facility, but scholarships for campers. Thank you for your post. I’m glad I found it because the video captures so well the heart of the disconnect technology can create for our world–if we let it.
    I plan to share the video with others to motivate them as well. Thanks again.

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